Anonymous Coaches Reportedly Accused Auburn Hoops Of Spying Back In 2018 Because They Simply Couldn't Believe The Tigers Made The Round Of 32

[Source] - After speculation had run through the coaching fraternity that one of the league's men's basketball programs was using a secret camera in its arena to film opponents' practices, the topic was brought into the open at a men's basketball coaches meeting following the 2017-18 season, according to three people with direct knowledge of the situation. Those people spoke to USA TODAY Sports on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly discuss the meeting.

The SEC did not name the institution, but according to six people affiliated with different SEC programs, Auburn was the team at the center of the spying allegations. With head coach Bruce Pearl in the room, however, nobody wanted to stand up and point the finger directly. During a tense moment, according to those people with knowledge of the meeting, then-South Carolina coach Frank Martin implored his colleagues to stop with anonymous sniping and say what they wanted to say.

Plus, proof was scant. There was no Connor Stalions-type smoking gun of wrongdoing, and the SEC typically prefers to keep such family squabbles in-house. After three seasons at the bottom of the SEC standings, Auburn had just tied for the league title and reached the NCAA tournament's round of 32. The Tigers' success only heightened the sense of suspicion.

This is one of the funniest spy allegations I've ever read, mostly because there's a line saying 'proof was scant.' Gee, I wonder why. People not talking except being anonymous and no real allegations. Only one conclusion, Bruce Pearl had another barbecue and needs a full investigation. 

But by far the funniest part of it all is people couldn't believe Auburn won the league and made the Round of 32. Listen, Auburn doesn't go around winning NCAA Tournament games out of air, Jackie! They can't do that! Bruce Pearl having some success? Not on my watch pal. At least I know this wasn't Calipari. I can take some saving grace there. He would never stoop that low plus him and Pearl always have had this weird friendship. 

The least shocking part here? Frank Martin telling everyone to stop being a pussy and put their name on it. Some would say that's just him hiding his accusations but Frank Martin would never do such a thing. I just picture Frank standing up though all pissed off screaming and scaring everyone. No doubt in my mind he made some nerd coach pee a little. 

Listen, the whole spygate scandals are getting out of control. Feel like we're getting one a week now. But this is just pathetic to say Auburn cheated despite no proof while you're talking about real scandals. Speaking of which how is there not a full on investigation into the Jeffrey Maier situation yet? Biggest scandal ever in my eyes. Here's the thing. You can have all the gameplans and videos and practice film. You still gotta win a game. You still gotta go out and compete and execute. That's why I always laugh at these minimal cheating allegations. 

Let me be the first to say that Kentucky would never accuse another school of cheating. We already have orange outs to deal with and everyone's Super Bowl. My coach is clean, clean as can be. 

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